How can we help you?

If you are looking for help with any Windows PC, or Network related problems and you are based in one of the areas we cover (scroll down to the list on the right-hand side) please see our Welcome message for a list of some of the things we can help with, and news of a special 20% discount until 31st March 2017!
For a no-obligation discussion or quotation please call Jim on 0790 137 8338 or Email Us

Tuesday 29 December 2009


Frequently Asked Questions - this post will be updated regularly.

Q: I have a problem with my Apple Mac, can you help?
A: Unfortunately not, we only deal with PC's and Windows, so we cannot help with Apple Macs or PCs running a Linux-based OS.

Q: I've had a phone call from someone claiming to be from Microsoft saying my computer has a problem. Is this genuine?
A: No, it's totally bogus, and the caller will try to get you to install software on your computer which will enable them to steal information from you, such as credit card and bank details.
If you believe to may have been victim to such a scam you should check your statements and take appropriate action with your bank and credit card companies. We can help with removing malicious software, and can offer advice if needed, but if in doubt, no legitimate company, least of all Microsoft, will ever contact you by phone even if they did manage to detect a problem.
If you pay for comprehensive anti-virus and general security protection, you may get a pop-up warning from them, and that should be heeded.

Q: What are your charges?
A: Typically we charge £25 p/hour, although we currently offer a 20% discount which brings this down to £20. Some jobs, like setting up a wireless broadband router are charged at a fixed rate of £25 (or £20 with the discount), or if you're a residential customer that could be as low as £12.50 under our current "first 30 mins free" promotion. A full list of charges will be posted shortly, in the meantime just tell us your problem and we'll give you a no-obligation quotation. Remember if you are based in one of the "areas we cover" there's no call-out charge. Please note we do not currently charge VAT, we will advise if and when this changes and we are required to charge VAT.

Q: I don't have Anti-virus software on my PC, do I really need it?
A: Most definitely yes. If you don't wish to pay for one (and I would recommend you purchase a good one), AVG is free for non-commercial use and can be downloaded from

Q: Do I need to update my Windows PC regularly?
A: Generally speaking, yes, you should install Microsoft Windows updates on a fairly regular basis. They are normally released monthly, and I would recommend installing "critical" updates as soon as they are available. Some of the updates are fixes for exploits which can be used by hackers and malicious software (Malware) to steal your data or compromise your computer. If you use Windows 10, updates are downloaded and installed automatically.

Q: Why do you recommend Chrome, and should I switch from Internet Explorer (IE)?
A: I find Chrome much easier to use, and safer because IE is constantly targeted by Malware due to vulnerabilities. If you do use IE it should be updated regularly to patch any exploits.

If you have any general PC related Qs, please email them in and I'll add them to this section.

Monday 28 December 2009

Coming Soon...

Here's a quick list of what's coming soon. I'm going to add an FAQ section, listing some of the things we can help with, a guide to our charges for some things like setting up your broadband and wireless router for example, and a Links section with lots of useful links to free resources on the web which will help keep your computer safe on the world "wild" web. If there's anything else you'd like to see on here, post your comments below or email us at the above address.


If you have used our services we encourage you to post comments here to let other potential customers know how good (or not) we are. Anonymous comments are allowed (so you don't need a Google account to leave a comment) but please leave your initials and location. If you wish to leave an email address in a comment I suggest you do so in the format: name[at]company[dot]co[dot]uk so that your email address cannot be "harvested" by spam botters. Comments will not be moderated, unless they are malicious or contain unpleasant language. If you do have a genuine complaint and I have not been able to resolve it to your satisfaction you are welcome to say so but please stick to the facts and keep the language clean. Thanks.


Welcome to TW11 Computers, your local IT support service for the SW London area.
We provide PC support for home and business users. The following is a list of some (but by no means all) of the problems we can help with:
  • Network setup, including secure wi-fi and network security.
  • Email and website setup and hosting.
  • Virus and Malware removal and advice on keeping your computer safe and secure.
  • Data recovery, including recovery from failed hard disks and recovery of deleted files from a variety of media.
  • Data backup and archiving.
  • Memory and hard disk upgrades and installation.
  • Tuition and impartial advice.
  • Broadband setup.
  • Operating system upgrade and clean-up.
  • Servicing and repairs.
  • Corporate network infrastructure migration projects (server, network and email migration etc.).
Just email or phone for a no-obligation quotation, and if the problem you are experiencing isn't listed please ask us and we'll try and help you.
We will from time to time be posting useful articles and links, so please check back regularly for some useful tips to keep your computer in tip-top condition.

Remember, from now until 31st March 2017 we are offering a special discount - either the first 30 mins are free, or 20% off the total time charge, whichever saves you more*. And there's no Call-Out charge.**

There will be a feedback section for your comments, so you can see what our existing customers are saying about us. All our work is guaranteed, and if we can't solve your problem, we won't charge you for it. So give us a call or drop us an email, you have nothing to lose except your computer related headaches!

*First 30 mins free applies to residential customers only. Business customers are only eligible for the 20% discount, and on time charges only. No discount will be applied to any hardware, parts or materials supplied. Minimum charging unit for labour costs is 1 hour, unless otherwise agreed.

**No Call Out Charge applies to the areas listed under "Areas We Cover" on the front page.

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